In the beginning…
There was a girl born in the ’80s in a family where medication was scarce and thoroughly reflected upon before used. Homeopathy was used as well as natural medicine. After studying biology for two years, I hesitated to go straight to medicine faculty. Curing people was a dream, something passionate and a natural disposition. Quite a vocation!
Yes, traditional medicine as practised today felt off. The response to people suffering through a list of labelled medication seemed as dangerous as inefficient on the long run. It couldn’t be more true, but I had yet to discover how much. Numerous vaccinations, anti-inflammatory agents, antibiotics and aggressive therapies are an obstacle to human’s natural equilibrium. I had not understood yet how deep this abyss can grow at each new treatment.
Not to say that traditional medication is useless. It saves lives every day. But it should be used scarcely, and with much more precaution. On an everyday basis, we should practise the art of giving ‘pro’ agents instead of ‘anti’. Rather than destroying (bacteria, viruses, fever), we must escort and support our natural defences into establishing the proper conditions for our bodies to strive.
A few years in the Viking’s country
One master later, my suitcases and myself landed in Norway. A great country to behold! Those two years abroad have opened my eyes to another way of practising medicine. Thanks to their holistic approach and their ability to reconsider their knowledge, the Norwegian therapists have at heart to heal people. And it works!
The irony here is that my job had nothing to do with medicine. I was a physics engineer then! Still, the philosophy of the country has rubbed off on me, and still lingers.
Back to France … and to my roots
When I came back, my brother Gautier Durant was taking a diploma in micronutrition. I discovered its tremendous potentiality thanks to endless talks with him, and decided to train to become a micronutritionnist. With those studies and the encounter of Denis Riché, I was able to link symptoms and diseases that no specialist has ever been able to explain before. I knew then that micronutrition was the basis of all things.
So here I am now, hoping to pass down this knowledge and make your everyday life better. This is a discipline with a very solid scientific basis. Every day, new studies are made and published. Each of them can lead us back to health.
I’m looking forward to starting this new adventure with you all,
Delphine RESCH