It’s everywhere, how can we forget?
Every morning, every evening comes the recurring question; how many casualties? What are the consequences? On my health, of course. On my freedom, my job, my children, parents or grandparents? What are the risks?
What can we do to face this rotten virus that screwed 2020?
The answer is pretty simple from a micronutritionnal point of view; ensure your body is fit enough, vitamin and mineral-wise, to vanquish this foe.
The different types of immune reactions
SARS-coV-2 is respiratory disease; we know its type, we are facing coronaviruses every day. 30% of mild colds are caused by other types of coronaviruses.
Let us consider, for the sake of this article, that this virus is a flock of foreign soldiers that aim at taking our territory. We were not even aware that war had been declared at this point, but if we don’t react, they are going to settle. They will take over our infrastructure, our factories, steal our resources and multiply. Ironically, they will even use our vehicles to hang around the country and infect other places. Outrageous!
What will people do? Well, they’ve got three different types of reactions.
A cold or even better, no symptoms
Children and most people are going to kill this invasion before it even spread because their immune system is ready and efficient. They’ve got weapons and soldiers, they circle it, kill it, and dispose of the waste. Unnoticed, the attack ends before much damage was done.
No wasted crops, no burnt houses, everyone is more or less safe. Phew!
Inefficient response
The elderly and immunodeficient people cannot fight this enemy. They have neither the weapons, nor the soldiers to handle it (perhaps because the money was invested in marketing?). It takes a few days, but the enemy advanced exponentially. End of the story.
Exaggerated response.
At risk population are a set of people who suffer from an inflammatory state; diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases, cardiac issues. Those people are listed with “co-morbidity” problems.
Those people are already in a state of crisis; after a few terrorist attacks, the army is on the prowl. Ready to lay waste on anything that moves a finger. Then comes the invasion. Rather than sending soldiers, weapons and vehicles, the general staff is antsy: they press the nuclear button at once. The whole country is vaporised, virus included.
Wait, what?
What’s the Cytokine storm?
Cytokine storm is a ballet of communications that go wild (carried by cytokines); the immune system loses control. Either because it was on edge and ready to fire those bombs (Cold war), or because the answer was not considered strong enough and the officers kept on sending messages that overflowed the lines.
In that case, the patient doesn’t struggle against the virus anymore, but also against its own immune system. Cytokine storm causes most immune cells to migrate into the lings where they fight, and die; causing major damage.
In that case, we also know that it usually ends badly.
Interpret the casualty data
Let’s put things back into context here. The Lancet, a prestigious journal in the medical world, published those numbers about SARS-Cov-2.
In dark pink, the number of deaths compared to the number of cases detected.
In light pink, the number of deaths compared to the number of people infected (estimation).
Age is the bigger issue here. Why? Because the immune system is deficient; deficiencies and inflammation are very common above 60. Those are the people who will suffer from Cytokinic storm.
Note as well the little number of casualties under 70. There is no separation between “risk” population, and standard people. Which means, at any rate, that for anyone under 70 and without morbidity, the risk is extremely low.
So. Let’s take a big breath of fresh air and think about solutions. What can we do, micronutrition wise?
The immune’s system kit; killing virus for dummies.
When you march to war, you need some means. But it you got only 50 buddies by your side instead of the million promised, and you only have a pocket knife rather than your rifle, things might get a little difficult. It would be like attacking a tank with a horse… Anyway.
Our immune system has dozens of different cells (that I won’t list because I like you) and weapons that are organised in a complex ballet. Lymphocyte and antibodies, cytokines and macrophages… They migrate to the point of infection and immobilise the virus, killing it when it spreads.
To do so, they need fuel to multiply and fight properly.
So, what does an immune soldier eat?
Le zinc
Zinc is indispensable to the immune machinery.
- It allows for lymphocytes to multiply.
- It prevents the virus from penetrating into cells.
- It inhibits the production of viral proteins.
- It keeps inflammation at an acceptable range.
Zinc deficiency therefore has many consequences:
- Fewer antibodies.
- Fewer macrophages (the “all you can eat” type of cell) to munch on the virus.
- Fewer lymphocytes.
- An inflammatory response that gets out of bounds.
- Nasal mucus is not up to par, meaning the virus can get in easily.
Zinc is the sinews of War; it’s closing the borders, putting locks on our infrastructure and factories and allows to recruit more soldiers.
D Vitamin
D vitamin is THE hormone of the immune system. Did you know that we synthesise it from cholesterol?
D vitamin:
- Protect all barriers (nose, intestines).
- Stimulate antibody and macrophage production.
- Helps producing antiviral proteins.
- Reduces the severity of symptoms by modulating the immune system without inhibition. A feat, right?
- Needs A vitamin to work.
D vitamin helps the immune system without letting it go haywire. Studies have shown that people with D vitamin deficiency had more severe reactions.[1]
D vitamin protects the borders and furnishes weapons. It is an officer that facilitates and controls.
Let’s lay down arms when it comes to … fat. Indeed, A and D vitamin can only be dissolved in lipids. So trade your depressive salad and open the oil hose. Carrot salad? Yes, but only with its oily sauce.
If you wage war on lipids, you will never assimilate all those vitamins. So choose your battles!
Glutathione is a massive antioxidant. This protein protect our cells against oxidative stress and free radicals; especially mitochondria and immune cells. It also maintains the fluidity of mucus in the nasal area, hence removing the viruses easily.
It also protects lymphocytes when they migrate in the lungs. When there is a deficiency, the cells die in situ and clutter up in the alveoli. Inflammation increases and respiratory distress occurs.
So, to our war effort, glutathione is the suppressing fire to keep your soldiers healthy.
Interesting fact:
- Glutathione amounts decrease with age. Could it be another reason why the elderly are so vulnerable to respiratory infections?
- To function properly, glutathione needs selenium.
Beware of Paracetamol: When used, pacaretamol (acetaminophen) is processed by the liver by using Glutathion. You see where I’m going here. If your stock is depleted because you took paracetamol to handle the symptoms, there won’t be enough left to protect your lungs.
Magnesium is necessary in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body but it is best known for its effect upon stress.
There are two good reasons to take magnesium:
- Reduce stress because it tends to lower the number of immune cells that attack viruses. Of course, it the commanders go bonkers, the soldiers tend to leave!
- Magnesium transports D vitamin to where it is needed.
So once again, we see how everything is intertwined!
A few other famous antioxidants!
Among those substances that protect our cells, you can find E vitamin, alpha lipoic acide and B3 vitamin. The first two ones are only dissolved into lipids … you get my meaning 😉
My advice: Fruits and vegetables, organic, of course, to counter the effects of free radicals. And don’t shun the sauce in your salad!
Omega 3: modulation agents
The intensity of inflammatory response is directly correlated to the fatty acids we call Ω 3. The ratio between Ω 3/Ω 6 in your cells must be of 1/3. Nowadays, the amount of Ω 3 we get from food has lowered dramatically; animals don’t eat grass anymore, and industrial food uses plenty of Ω 6.
Unfortunately, the Ω 3 are the ones that allow our body to modulate the immune system.
But also…
Curcuma is an excellent modulator and anti-inflammatory element.
Petit dessin avec des cases : vit D, Zn, Gluthation, Vit A, Oméga 3.
If there were only two components to remember, it would be Zn and D-vit. They are the main actors of a proper immune system.
They stimulate it when necessary, and modulate it to prevent things from getting out of hand.
- N. B. If your nutritional profile is not adequate, the immune response to vaccine will be, at worst, inefficient.
Dosage must be performed before considering taking some dietary supplements. It must also be done in low physiological doses so that your body can absorb it properly without any ill effect.
Here are the rates we aim for when it comes to the major actors of the immune system:
Found easily in seafood and fish, it is mostly lacking when the mineral is overused – meaning your immune system is struggling on a daily basis with a recurrent virus, or candidosis, or any other chronical disease than mobilises your forces.
It is, however, much more frequent than we think.
If you are Zn deficient, you will experience:
- A less sensitive taste
- White traces on your nails
- Lifeless hair
- Bad skin healing
We aim for the following figure:
- Plasmatic Zinc. 1.2 mg/L or 18 µmol/L.
- You can take 20 mg of Zn glycerophosphate a day.
- Desired date 100 nmol/L.
- You can take 2000 UI of D3 Vitamin per day in a food containing fat.
Beware of those high-dosed vials given twice a year (Zyma D, uvesterol). We now know that those doses, given too far apart and with too much D-Vit won’t help in the long term. The body simply cannot assimilate that much is such little time.
Rates of D-Vit in blood after a dosage of 70,000 UI.
Omega 3
You can find them in avocados, walnuts, colza and flax oil in their vegetal form. The animal equivalent will be found in oily fishes: sardine, mackerel and salmon. Ω 3 hates to be cooked, and will spoil if left outside for too long; store flax or walnut oil in the fridge.
Even though you might eat sufficiently, people born after the ’80s tend to have a hereditary deficiency. If your skin tends to be tight and your hands cold, you can take:
- 2 times 1 g of Ω EPA/DHA.
Be mindful of the oxidation rate and the labels: fish oil must be as pure as possible. According to the TOTOX study, metagenics lab is said to have the purest ones.
Be mindful of your selenium rate (1.26 to 1. 96 µmol/L) and try not to overuse paracetamol.
As a present for your tastebuds
Dark chocolate will bring some copper and magnesium, and Brazilia nuts some selenium.
Don’t hesitate to apply theses protocols every winter. A good immune system will protect you from bacteria and viruses, but it will also do wonders to prevent cancers.
Washing hands is the best way to avoid giving your viruses, and bringing some home. Soap is enough, as long as it is done properly.
My thanks to Vincent Castronovo for this great conference that allowed me to write this article and list up the Sources below.
Can Zn Be a Critical Element in COVID-19 Treatment? Mohammad Tariqur Rahman, Syed Zahir Idid, Springer Nature 2020.
Efficacy of glutathione therapy in relieving dyspnea associated with COVID-19 pneumonia: A report of 2 cases, Horowitz RI, Freeman PR, Bruzzese J, Respir Med Case Rep, 2020 Apr 21:101063.
Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients, Alexey Polonikov.
N-Acetylcystein: A potential therapeutic agent for SARS-CoV-2, Francis L Poe, Josua Corn, Whole Systems Reseach Institute.
D Vitamin
Vitamin D deficiency promotes epithelial barrier dysfunction and intestinal inflammation. Assa A, Vong L, Pinnell LJ, Avitzur N, Johnson-Henry KC, Sherman PM, J infect Dis, 2014 Oct 15; 210
Perspective: improving vitamin D status in the management of COVID-19, Maryam Ebadi, Aldo J Montano-Loza, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths. Grant WB, Lahore H, Mc Donnell SL, BAggerly CA, French CB, Aliano JL, Bhattoa HP, Nutrients, 2020 April 2; 12 (4)
Analysis of vitamin D level among asymptomatic and critically ill COVID-19 patients and its correlation with inflammatory markers, Anshul Jain, Racha Chaurasia, Narenda Singh Sengar, Sachin Mahor, Sumit Narain, Sci Rep, 2020 nov 19; 10.
[1] See Studies in the sources section